NEW COMIC PAGE! Here's what I started with - I ended up putting a bit of color in it & rearranging the bottom panel. Looking at it again I think I actually like it better as black and white - I haven't gotten the hang of color yet maybe I should stop trying and work on developing my other skills first.
I think I need to use more detail in the larger panels and in general (around the center of the page) - use a greater number (and smaller) panels. I don't really read superhero style comics- I really like Mike Mignola's work with large simple frames that don't distract the eyes or manipulate the story too much. Of course my art work is nowhere near Mignola's and I don't have the incredible Dave Stewart as a colorist so I don't know but I get the feeling that it just makes my stuff end up looking more like an American trying to do Manga.

I feel like this bottom panel here was really working well- if only I had though to cut off part of the one above it and include a head- or else to place a shadow on his shoulders from the panel overlapping it ... I Gaussian Blurred the Dalek to the right- can you tell?
I'll have to find my sketch book & see - I think I've already marked my panels for the next page ... If I haven't I'm going to try to move away from solidly traced and rigidly defined borders. I really like Black gutters but I think I need to work on making those smaller and thinner too (but in general I think I need) - more detail, to work on shadows, type (don't write) my captions, take my time & try not to make all my edits in a single afternoon, more panels on some pages, fewer (more intricate) ones on others, less rigid structure and more depth to the background - beyond just the white wall of the church... which is fine occasionally but I think I'm relying on it too much at this point. . . I was thinking of maybe making some of the panels have more text not a ton- just a paragraph or a few sentences - making it like a cross between a short story and a comic - it would be less drawing and I'd have a bit more control over the way my story is portrayed. Putting the "novel" in "graphic novel" :) - What do you think? Would you read it or just gloss right over it?